Happy Homecoming!!! I finally uploaded all my homecoming pictures, I'm only what 3 months late with that (: They came out wicked cute, especially this one! I'm on the far right in a vintage red gown that I chopped up and sewed back together :D The boy is my brother Jack, with his lovely date/now-girlfriend Laura, both of whom modeled in my fashion show back on 12/1. See if you can ID them, scroll down this page for the video (in LQ still...sorry guys!)
So, I have been inspired this week, but have yet to actually do anything!! Here are some of my crazy ideas and goals:
1. Do a photoshoot for the Flora dress. That's my blue dress, btw. The snow is so gorgeous, and I really just wanna pop on the dress, some heavy make-up, a plastic hair rose, and a pair of stilettos and go sit in it :D After some photoshopping, it should make an excellent new front page for my main site http://olivarose.webs.com
2. Do a photoshoot for the ORAD new fleece sweaters. Instead of tshirts this winter, my principal item of sales is going to me a fleece-lined poofy sweater. I've made mine so far; it's gray with black tie-dye, and I have a heart-shaped cut-out that I backed with white leather. It's uber-cute and so so warm!! I'm thinking of selling them for $12. I think that's pretty reasonable, and if I go any lower, there's no profit XD
3. Design a Sen10rs tshirt and sell it with proceeds towards the FHS Class of '10. As class president, I know that our class needs moolah for prom and after-prom, so this is my little way of contributing. I have a design picked out already, I just need to make a few, do a photoshoot with some seniors, then start advertising. This should be fun and for a great cause.
4. Design an OLIVAROSE Summer 2010 line and put together a show. The first part will happen soon. The second part is pending on funds and attention attracted. The funds could come from ustrendy.com where there is a weekly $100 prize given out for the most-voted design. With some Facebook support, I could totally give the contest a shot. I need to do a good photoshoot with the Flora dress first though (: Money money money $:
So yeah, those are my goals. Yeah. It's a lot. And friggin college applications suck. FML. And my research paper. And my AP calc lab. Ewwwww, so much for Christmas! Since apparently I have work to do, tschüss for now Leute!