Just got back from Prom 2010, and I had such a blast!! It took me a verrrrrrry long time to make my dress, as I sewed it AND appliqued every single diamond individually. I was planning on covering the whole dress, but that required more money and time than I had. But everything worked out, and a good time was had by all. That's me on the left and my rad friend Meredith, who also wore OLIVAROSE Couture!! Best dressed, by far (; More pictures of both dresses will be up on the Couture site soon, as that ranch of my page has been in need of a makeover for over a year :3
I also had my Summer 2010 show!!! But I am too excited to type about this topic, so I will postpone my runway talk until next time, after everything is officially on sale.
Too tired to do anymore right now, but the list is endless!!! K, bye for now Leute!